Hardness test
The hardness test is the most important core element of quality assurance in the sector of heat treatment technology. A wide range of processes are on hand at every site, starting from measuring the surface hardness up to the determination of the hardness-depth progressions. The ideal process is applied for each material and each heat treatment:
Vickers (DIN EN ISO 6507): Universal process for low to very high hardnesses. Measurement of hardness-depth progressions in the low-load range.
Rockwell (DIN EN ISO 6508): The high load levels of the Rockwell process make it particularly suitable for measuring the surface hardness of hardened steel components. Mobile testing equipment is also available for the Rockwell test.
Brinell (DIN EN ISO 6506): A hard metal ball as penetrator and comparatively high load levels make the Brinell process the preferred hardness test method for cast iron aluminium and other wrought alloys.
Leeb (DIN EN ISO 16859): The Leeb process is a dynamic hardness test method in the form of a mobile test device. With it, very large construction parts can be tested, which due to their dimensions cannot be measured with stationary hardness test equipment.
All hardness test equipment is calibrated annually by an accredited external test laboratory. In addition, a standard-compliant check is made every day of all hardness test equipment by a member of the quality assurance staff.